采用假想面法建立了辐射管辊底式热处理炉炉内钢板加热的二维数学模型,开发了辐射管热处理炉模型控制系统.该模型包括钢板温度跟踪和炉温设定两个模块,钢板温度跟踪可以实时计算钢板在炉内的温度,为钢板热处理进入保温状态提供依据;炉温设定可以计算不同钢种、不同厚度、不同热处理目标温度下钢板对应的炉温设定值范围,用于指导生产.该模型已成功应用于某公司的辐射管辊底式热处理炉上,通过埋偶试验对模型进行了验证.试验结果表明,模型计算精度在±5 ℃以内,控制效果良好.
Using imaginary surface method,a two-dimensional mathematical model for slabs heating process in radiant tube roller-hearth treatment furnace was established and the model control system of roller-hearth heat treatment furnace was developed.The model included the slab temperature tracking and calculation of furnace temperature setting.The model of slab temperature tracking can calculate the slab temperature in the furnace,which can provide the basis for the slab preservation in heat treatment.The furnace temperature setting model can calculate the setting range of furnace temperature for different steel grade,different thickness and different aim temperature of heat treatment,which can guide producing.This model was successfully applied in a radiant tube roller-hearth heat treatment furnace in a certain iron and steel company,and it was checked by buried thermocouple test.Results showed that the accuracy of the model was within ±5 ℃ and the control effect was good.
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