利用 MTS-810材料试验机测量了BG110S油井管在动态拉伸(边充氢边拉伸)实验中的力学性能,并利用扫描电镜观察分析了拉伸断口形貌,研究了动态充氢电流密度对油井管力学性能的作用,讨论了氢原子浓度对油井管氢脆敏感性的影响。实验结果表明:随着充氢电流密度的增加,BG110S试样的屈服强度和抗拉强度先增大后减小;试样的伸长率、断面收缩率及拉伸韧性连续降低;试样的拉伸断口形貌由韧性断裂特征向脆性断裂特征转变;试样的氢脆敏感性连续增加。当动态充氢电流密度i<30 mA/cm2时,氢原子在 BG110S试样中呈现固溶强化作用,而当i≥30 mA/cm2后,氢原子在BG110S试样中则呈现氢致脆化作用。
The mechanical properties of BG110S oil-well tubular were measured by MTS-810 material tester under dynamic hydrogen charging condition,and the tensile fracture morphologies were observed and analyzed by SEM. The effect of current density of dynamic hydrogen charging on the mechanical properties was studied,and influ-ence of hydrogen content on susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement of oil-well tubular was discussed.The results show that the yield strength and tensile strength of BG110S sample increase firstly,and then reduce when the cur-rent density of hydrogen charging increases.With the increase of current density of hydrogen charging,the elonga-tion,the reduction of area and tensile toughness are reduced consecutively,the fracture morphologies are changed from ductile fracture to brittle fracture,and susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement is increased continuously for BG110S samples.When current density (i)of dynamic hydrogen charging is less than 30 mA/cm2 ,hydrogen at-oms have an effect of solid solution strengthening on BG110S oil-well tubular.And when i≥30 mA/cm2 ,hydro-gen atoms have an effect of hydrogen-induced embrittlement on BG110S oil-well tubular.
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