通过凝固实验并结合Thermo-Calc软件研究了高钛钢(Ti 质量分数为0.6%)在凝固过程中 TiC 的析出方式及形态.结果表明:由于选分结晶的作用,TiC在凝固最后阶段沿着原始奥氏体晶界析出,并形成离异共晶组织,以片状或杆状形式存在,析出相厚度约为1~3μm.Mo 溶入 TiC 后形成(Ti,Mo)C,相分析数据表明,Ti/Mo 质量比为3.4.采用热力学软件及TiC溶解度积分别得出TiC开始析出温度分别为1453及1487℃,析出温度略高于固相线温度,析出质量分数可以达到0.35%.
Precipitation behavior of TiC on high Ti steel (0.6 mass% Ti)was investigated by solidification test and Thermo-Calc thermodynamic software.The results show that due to selective crystallization,TiC precipitates along original austenite grain boundary during the last stage of solidification,and leads to the formation of divorced eutectic microstructure.The shape of TiC with thickness of 1-3μm is plate-like and short rod.Mo could dissolve in TiC and form (Ti,Mo)C.The phase analysis show that the mass ratio of Ti/Mo is 3.4. The start TiC precipi-tation temperature calculated by thermodynamic software and solubility product formula of TiC is 1 453 and 1 487℃ respectively,which is a little higher than the solidus temperature.The mass fraction of TiC precipitates is about 0.3 5%.
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