



With Thermo-Calc software and experiments,the equilibrium phases existing in ZG1Cr10NiAlMoVNbN heat-resistant steel from 200 to 1 600℃and equilibrium solidification process were calculated. The microstructures and impact properties of three kinds of tested steels were investigated. Results show that the equilibrium phases of the tested steel con-taining 0.10%Al was singleγat 1 050℃,after the heat-treatment,austenitic transformed into martensitic completely, which is consistent with the experimental results. The equilibrium phases of the tested steel containing 0.91%Al wereγ+δ,which agrees well with the observed microstructure that consists of martensitic and austenitic. And the equilibrium phases of the tested steel containing 3.67%Al was singleδ,which agrees well with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the impact energy reduced significantly with the increase of Aluminum content,the fracture mechanism changed from the dimple fracture to cleavage fracture.


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