利用Gleeble-3800模拟焊接粗晶热影响区(CGHAZ)经历的热循环过程。比较了热输入100 kJ/cm条件下, V钢、V-N钢、V-Ti钢和V-N-Ti钢CGHAZ的组织和韧性,并分析了析出相情况。结果表明,CGHAZ的韧性从高到低依次为V-N-Ti钢、V-Ti钢、V-N钢和V钢;在V钢成分基础上添加钛可以有效细化原始奥氏体晶粒尺寸;V-Ti钢成分基础上增氮,一方面促进了(Ti,V)(C,N)/TiN的析出,抑制了原始奥氏体晶粒的粗化;另一方面促进了V(C,N)的析出,其促进了多边形铁素体的形成;多边形铁素体数量的增加能够减弱自由氮对韧性的破坏,同时有效改善了CGHAZ韧性。
Using the Gleele-3800 to simulate the thermal cycling process of coarse grained heat affected zone(CGHAZ). When the weld heat input was 100 kJ/cm,comparing the CGHAZ microstructure and toughness of V steel,V-N steel,V-Ti steel,V-N-Ti steel,analyzed the vanadium and titanium carbon precipitation. The results show that the order of CGHAZ toughness from high to low is V-N-Ti steel,V-Ti steel,V-N steel and V steel;Adding Ti to V steel can effective-ly decrease the original austenite size;On one hand,increasing the nitrogen based on the V-Ti steel can promote the(Ti, V)(C,N)/TiN formed which can decrease the austenite size. On the other hand,increasing the nitrogen can promote the V (C,N)formed which can promote the polygonal ferrite formed. The polygonal ferrite can partly remedy the detrimental effect of the free N atoms and improve the CGHAZ toughness.
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