研究了热连轧机轧辊水平振动机制、水平振动与轧制过程参数间的影响关系。考虑间隙、轧辊偏移距和非线性阻尼等影响因素,建立了板带轧机工作辊水平振动非线性动力学模型,同时建立了轧机水平振动与轧制过程参数的关系模型。对某厂热连轧机F2机座进行水平振动测试试验,工作辊水平振动剧烈,中后期振幅达到4.5 g,甩尾时超过5 g,振动优势频率为40和118 Hz;同时对振动过程进行仿真,研究了轧件厚度、轧制速度和张应力参数对水平振动的影响。结果表明:仿真分析水平振动加速度幅值达到4.8 g,对比仿真和实测的振动曲线,可知仿真与实测结果相符;轧件的厚度越薄,对轧辊振动影响越大;轧制速度变化对水平振动影响较大;相比其他因素,张力对轧机水平振动的影响较小。
The horizontal vibration mechanism of hot tandem rolling mill was studied, and the relationship between the horizontal vibration and the rolling process parameters was obtained. Considering the gap between the bearing chock and the housing, the offset of work roll and backup roll, and the nonlinear damping, the nonlinear dynamic model of horizontal vibration of strip rolling mill was established, and the relationship model of horizontal vibration and rolling process param-eters was also established. Then, the online horizontal vibration test was carried out on the F2 rolling mill of some steel plant. The test result shows that the horizontal vibration of the work roll is very strong, with an amplitude up to 4.5 g in the middle and later periods and more than 5 g at the end phase, and the main vibration frequencies are 40 Hz and 118 Hz. At the same time, based on the model established, the vibration simulation in the rolling process was made to investigate the effect of strip thickness, rolling speed and tensile stress on horizontal vibration. The simulation results show that:the accel-eration amplitude of horizontal vibration is 4.8 g in the simulation, which agrees with the measured results, thus validating the model established. When the strip thickness is thinner, the influence on the horizontal vibration is larger;the influence of rolling speed on the horizontal vibration is strong, and the influence of tension on the horizontal vibration is small com-pared to other factors.
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