以邯邢磁铁矿精粉为原料,基于现场造球工业实验,考察了不同膨润土配比量、造球水分以及润磨时间等对邯邢磁精矿生球性能的影响规律,得出三者分别为2.0%、8.5%~9.0%和6 min的最佳工艺参数;此外,采用实验室预热氧化和焙烧实验,研究了不同预热氧化温度和时间、焙烧温度和时间对邯邢磁铁矿粉固结性能的影响,并利用光学显微镜分析了预热氧化和焙烧中球团显微结构的变化情况和固结机理。实验结果显示,邯邢磁精矿球团适宜氧化温度和时间分别为880~920℃和20 min,适宜焙烧温度和时间分别为1250℃和20 min。
Based on the experiment for pelletizing in production, influence of bentonite proportion, water proportion and damp milling time on green ball properties in pellet-making of a magnetic iron ore concentrate in Han-xing area were in-vestigated, which the optimum conditions were 2.0%, 8.5%-9.0%and 6 min respectively. Moreover, the effect of pre-heat-ing temperature, pre-heating time, roasting temperature and roasting time on consolidation properties of the pellet was studied based on experiments in laboratory and the microstructure of pellet and consolidation mechanism were analyzed by optical microscope. Results show that the suitable pre-heating temperature and time were 880-920℃and 20 min;the suitable roasting temperature and time were 1250℃and 20 min.
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