依据GB/T 4161-2007,对3种不同厚度的高强度X140套管钢试样的断裂韧度KIQ进行测定,结合断裂韧度与试样厚度关系的定量模型进行最小二乘法拟合,得出了材料常数ξ和κ的值,进而提出X140钢断裂韧度与试样厚度之间的关系式,计算得到了不同厚度试样的KIC值,并采用J 试验对其进行验证。结果表明:X140钢断裂韧度的计算结果与J 试验结果吻合得很好,断裂韧度随试样厚度的增加而先增大后减小,最后趋于稳定。
Fracture toughness KIQ of high strength X140 casing steel sample with three different thicknesses was measured according to the national standard GB/T 4161-2007.Based on the theoretical formulas on the relation between fracture toughness and sample thickness,the material constantsξandκwere got by using least square method.A new analytical formula of fracture toughness,which was related to the sample thickness,was proposed,and the values of KIC of different thickness samples were calculated.J resistance curve test was conducted to verify the accuracy of the new formula.The results show that,for X140 steel,calculated fracture toughness agreed well with the result from J test.With the increase of the thickness,fracture toughness increased at first,then decreased and stabilized finally.
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