采用凝胶发泡法制备了变压器隔声降噪用Al2 O3泡沫陶瓷,通过试验得到了胶凝剂和发泡剂的最佳加入量,研究了在该最佳加入量下制备试样的厚度及其背后空腔尺寸对吸声性能的影响.结果表明:当发泡剂和胶凝剂的质量分数均为1.00%时,制备的泡沫陶瓷的孔隙率为75.2%,平均孔径为150μm,抗弯强度和抗压强度分别为8.13 MPa 和5.41 MPa;当试样厚度为15 mm、背后空腔厚度为20 mm 时,Al2 O3泡沫陶瓷的峰值吸声系数可达0.8,其在100~500 Hz低频范围的吸声系数为0.12~0.65.
Alumina ceramic foams for sound insulation and noise reduction in transformers were prepared through gel foaming method.The optimum additional amounts of gelling agent and foaming agent were obtained through experiment.The effects of thickness of samples and cavity in the rear on sound absorption property were discussed.Results show that,when the additive amounts of foaming agent and gelling agent both are 1.00wt%,the porosity,average pore diameter,flexural strength and compressive strength of the obtained ceramic foam were 75.2%,150μm,8.13 MPa and 5.41 MPa,respectively.When the thickness of the sample was 15 mm and cavity in the rear of the sample was 20 mm,the maximum sound absorption coefficient of the ceramic foam was 0.8,the sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range of 100-500 Hz was 0.12-0.65.
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