研究了分别添加质量分数均为0.3%的钙、钛以及复合添加钙和钛对 Mg-12Al-2Sr-0.3Mn镁合金显微组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明:添加钛提高了该镁合金的塑性和强度,然而Mg17 Al12相聚集析出形成粗大的第二相组织;添加钙后提高了该镁合金的塑性,但沿晶界大量析出了连续网状 Mg17 Al12相,导致其强度略有下降;复合添加钛和钙既增加了共晶相数量又细化了共晶相组织,使得该镁合金铸态组织更加细小均匀,从而显著提高了其强度和韧性.
The effects of the addition of 0.3wt% calcium,0.3wt% titanium,and combined addition of 0.3wt% calcium and 0.3wt% titanium respectively on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-12Al-2Sr-0.3Mn magnesium alloy were studied.The results show that the titanium addition improved the plasticity and strength of the magnesium alloy,though Mg1 7 Al1 2 phase was aggregated and precipitated,resulting in the formation of the second phase with a coarsened microstructure.When added with calcium,the plasticity of the magnesium alloy increased while the strength decreased due to a great number of continuous net-like Mg1 7 Al1 2 phases precipitated along the grain boundaries.The eutectic phase quantity increased and its microstructures were refined after the combined addition of titanium and calcium,and then the as-cast microstructure of the magnesium alloy became a relatively fine and uniform,resulting in a significant increase of the strength and toughness.
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