


设计了一款小型化、低噪声、大动态范围的前端处理电路,包括电荷灵敏前放、成形放大电路、单道脉冲幅度分析电路。前放的等效输入噪声61.5 keV,动态范围可达0~±11 V,积分非线性60.11%。该电路为模块化电路,当前放与主放模块构成系统时,其分辨可以达到0.12%。当前放、主放模块与中国科学院近代物理研究所制作的离子注入型硅探测器构成系统时,采用239 Pu α源进行测试,测得在5.157 MeV时的能量分辨约为0.82%;当主放、单道脉冲幅度分析模块与中国科学院近代物理研究所制作的碘化铯晶体探测器构成系统时,采用60Co源进行测试,对于能量为1.332 MeV的γ射线,测得其能量分辨约为7.9%。该电路可用于半导体探测器、光电倍增管及电子倍增器等探测器信号的处理。目前,小型前端电路已经应用于中国科学院近代物理研究所自行研制的便携式盐湖卤水铀、钍、钾快速测量仪的原型样机,达到了预期效果。

A small dimension front-end circuit with low noise and wide output dynamic range is introduced in this paper. The front-end circuit is made up of a charge sensitive preamplifier, a shaping circuit and a single channel pulse height analyzer. The equivalent input noise is under 1.5 keV. The output integral nonlinearity is less than 0.11% within the dynamic range of 0~±11 V. And the circuit can be suitable for different conditions by different modules. The resolution was about 0.12% with the charge sensitive preamplifier and the main amplifier. The energy resolution of 0.82% was achieved for 5.157 MeV α-rays from a 239 Pu source with the charge sensitive preamplifier, the main amplifier and anion-injection silicon detector designed by the Institute of Modern Physics(IMP). An energy resolution of 7.9% was achieved for 1.332 MeV γ rays from a stationary 60 Co source with the main amplifier, the single channel pulse height analyzer and a CsI scintillator detector designed by the IMP. The front-end circuit has the features of wide output dynamic range, simple structure, high level of integration,small dimensions, low noise, fast rise time of the output pulse and excellent stability. The front-end circuit can be applied to signal processing of semiconductor detectors, photomultiplier tubes and electrons multiplier. And the front-end circuit had been applied to a prototype of the portable rapid measuring instrument designed by IMP for measuring Uranium, Thorium and Potassium in the salt lake brine with good test result.


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