西藏华泰龙矿业开发有限公司甲玛项目一期工程选矿厂地处西藏高原地区,海拔超过4000 m,受大气压的影响,陶瓷过滤机的真空过滤效果不佳,铜精矿产品水分达不到国家标准。在甲玛二期扩建工程中,铜精矿产品脱水改进为加压过滤技术,这不但提高了铜精矿细度,使产品水分达到了国家标准,还解决了陶瓷过滤机酸洗后酸性水进入生产水系统造成pH波动而影响选矿回收率的问题,且技术经济指标及安全环保得到明显改善。
Located at over 4 000 m above sea level,the ore-dressing plant of Jiama Phase 1 project of Tibet Hua-tailong Company is affected by atmospheric pressure resulting in poor performance of the ceramic filter in vacuum fil-tration and the water content in copper concentrates fails to reach the national standard. In the Phase 2 expansion pro-ject,dewatering of copper concentrates is renovated into a pressure filtration technique,not only improving the fineness of copper concentrates,but reducing the water content to national standard. At the same time,the technique solves low recovery rate problems caused by pH volatility from acid water intrusion after acid cleaning of ceramic filters. The tech-nical and economic index is greatly improved and environmental protection is ensured.
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[5] | 王国栋;刘千帆;高泽宾.圆盘加压过滤机在酒钢400万t选矿厂的应用[J].金属矿山,2013(10):124-127. |
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