针对厂坝铅锌矿工程实际,在前期利用空场采矿法开采时由于众多民采空区破坏了矿柱的完整性,导致采场频频发生失稳垮塌,严重威胁采矿工作的安全,出矿形式被迫转为在覆岩下放矿,采矿损失贫化长期居高不下,因此决定转为崩落采矿法进行后期回采. 但采矿方法转变存在着采场结构参数过渡的问题,为此,系统分析了崩落采矿法研究发展现状,在大间距理论的框架下,结合工程现状,通过工程估算、经验公式、理论计算和模拟试验法,最终确定了空场转崩落过渡过程中适合该矿自身的分段高度、进路间距、崩矿步距等主要结构参数取值,为厂坝铅锌矿采矿方法转变的平稳过渡提供了科学的理论依据,也为同类矿山提供了借鉴.
According to in situ engineering conditions of Changba lead zinc mine,open stoping operation used in previous stage damaged the integrity of ore pillars because of too many goafs of civilians'' doing and thus resulted in fre-quent collapse,which is a serious threat to mining safety. Therefore,ore retrieval was forced to be done under collapsed rocks and the loss and dilution of mining remain high all the time. At this point,a transition to caving method is chosen for the rest of the operation. The concern is the transition of stope structural parameters. In order to deal with that,the paper systematically analyzed the research progress and current situation of caving method. And within the frame of large interval theory,based on current engineering situations and with the help of engineering estimation,empirical e-quation,theoretical calculation and simulation test, the paper determined the structural parameters like subsection height,access intervals and caving intervals fit for the transition. This study lays the theoretical foundation for a smooth transition from open stoping to caving,and at the same time can be used as reference by similar mines.
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