


在较低氢氧化钾用量的条件下,采用一步微波辅助KOH活化法由煤沥青成功制备出多孔炭材料。在KOH/沥青质量比为2∶1,采用30 min微波辅助KOH活化所得多孔炭(PC2ˉM)的比表面积达1786 m2/g。在KOH、K2SO4、Na2SO4、Li2SO4水性电解液及四乙基四氟化硼酸铵盐/碳酸丙烯酯有机电解液中,研究了PC2ˉM电极的电化学性能。在6 mol/L KOH水性电解液中,在0.1 A/g的电流密度下,多孔炭电极的比容达267 F/g;在0.5 mol/L K2 SO4中性电解液中,多孔炭电容器的能量密度高达12.0 Wh/kg,对应的功率密度为1318 W/kg。因此,一步微波辅助氢氧化钾活化煤沥青是一种简单、高效且低能耗的制备超级电容器用高性能多孔炭的方法。

Porous carbons ( PCs) for supercapacitors were prepared from coal tar pitch by a oneˉstep microwaveˉassisted KOH acˉ tivation with low KOH consumption. The surface area of the PC ( PC2ˉM ) made at a KOH/pitch mass ratio of 2 with microwave heating for 30 min reaches 1 786 m2/g. The electrochemical performance of the PC electrode for supercapacitors was evaluated in different electrolytes including KOH, K2 SO4 , Na2 SO4 , Li2 SO4 in water, and tetraethylammoniatetra fluoroborate in propylene carˉ bonate. The supercapacitors have a high specific capacitance of 267 F/g in 6 mol/L KOH aqueous electrolyte at 0. 1 A/g and a high energy density of 12. 0 Wh/kg at 1 318 W/kg in a 0. 5 mol/L K2 SO4 neutral electrolyte. The oneˉstep microwaveˉassisted KOH acˉ tivation is a simple, efficient and low energyˉconsumption approach for the preparation of high performance PCs for supercapacitors.


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