Mesoporous titanium carbides were prepared via carbothermal reduction of organic-inorganic gels using tita-nium n-butoxide as a Ti source and sucrose as a carbon precursor. The as-made titanium carbides were used as starting materials for producing carbide-derived carbons (CDCs) through thermochemical treatment in a chlorine environment. The influence of the ratio of titanium n-butoxide to sucrose (R) on the porous structure and physical properties of the mesoporous titanium carbide and the resulting CDCs were investigated using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and N2 adsorption. It was found that mesoporosity and macroporosity de-veloped in the course of the formation of the titanium carbides can be preserved and transmitted to the carbon material af-ter chlorine treatment, while microporosity was formed by extraction titanium atoms from the carbide. The obtained CDCs have a hierarchical structure of multiscaled pores, including uniform micropores produced from carbides, meso-pores with diameter of 3-4rim original from the residual free carbon and macropores formed by interconnection and over-lapping of the carbon particles. By changing the R, the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller specific surface areas and total pore vo-lumes of the CDCs could be adjusted in the range of 1479-1640 m2/g and 1.06-2.03 cm3/g, respectively. These hierar-chical porous carbons would have potential applications for use in catalysis, adsorption, gas separation, and electroche-mical energy storage.
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