发展了一种经济、简单的海蛎壳粉负载的CuCl2异相催化剂OSP-CuCl2,用来催化醛-炔-胺之间的A3偶联反应。 OSP-CuCl2 ;容易通过简单的方法从海蛎壳粉以及CuCl2制备,且显示出高的催化活性以及良好的可循环回收性。在微波辅助以及无溶剂条件下,以OSP-CuCl2为催化剂,能够以高产物收率制备出一系列炔胺类化合物。 OSP-CuCl2可通过简单的过滤方式进行回收,并至少可循环使用6次。初步放大实验表明,炔胺类化合物能够以150 mmol的规模制备(87%收率)。
The development of an economic and simple heterogeneous oyster shell waste supported CuCl2 catalyst for the aldehyde‐alkyne‐amine (A3) coupling reaction was reported. The waste oyster shell powder (OSP) supported CuCl2 (OSP‐CuCl2) catalyst was prepared by a simple method from waste OSPs and CuCl2, which was shown to be a highly active and recyclable catalyst for the A3‐coupling reaction. A range of propargylamines were obtained in good to excellent yields (85%–97%) under solvent‐free and microwave‐heated conditions. The OSP‐CuCl2 catalyst can be simply recovered by filtration and reused for at least six runs. Propargylamine can be produced in 87%yield even when the scale of the A3‐coupling reaction was increased to 150 mmol.
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