


研究了湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhanjiangensis)在改性ZSM-5分子筛上催化裂解制取低碳烯烃的过程.与热裂解过程相比,湛江等鞭金藻催化裂解可以得到更高的低碳烯烃选择性和收率.同时还研究了湛江等鞭金藻中不同油脂和藻渣的催化裂解.结果表明,微藻中的油脂能有效转化为烯烃,其中中性脂的烯烃收率最高,可达36.7%.不同溶剂抽提后得到的藻渣也可转化为低碳烯烃,但收率远低于微藻中的油脂.微藻中的油脂,特别是中性脂,是烯烃的主要贡献者,提高微藻中的中性脂含量能够得到更高的低碳烯烃收率.

This study investigated the catalytic cracking of the microalga Isochrysis zhanjiangensis over a modi-fied ZSM-5 catalyst with the aim of producing C2-C4 light olefins. Compared with the thermal cracking process, the catalytic cracking of this microalga displayed higher selectivity for and greater yield of these olefins. The catalytic cracking of extracted lipids and the corresponding residues of the microalga was also examined, and the results showed that the lipids could be efficiently converted to light olefins. The catalytic cracking of lipids extracted by different solvents demonstrated that neutral lipids gave the highest yield of light olefins at 36.7%. The yields of light olefins obtained from catalytic cracking of the extraction residues were much lower than the yields obtained from lipids, and thus the lipids, especially the neutral lipids, are the primary contributors to the genera-tion of light olefins. Isochrysis zhanjiangensis with an elevated neutral lipid content will therefore give the highest yield of light olefins through catalytic cracking.


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