


以KIT-6和二氧化硅纳米球为硬模板制备了比表面积分别为138和65 m2/g的正交相蠕虫状介孔LaFeO3催化剂LFO-1和LFO-2.在空速为20000 mL/(g×h)的条件下, LFO-1样品显示出最高的催化活性:对于CO氧化反应, T50%和T90%分别为155和180 oC;对于甲苯氧化反应, T50%和T90%分别为200和253 oC.该样品优异的催化性能与它具有较大的比表面积、较高的氧吸附物种浓度、较好的低温还原性以及良好的蠕虫状介孔结构有关.

Wormhole-like orthorhombic LaFeO3 catalysts (LFO-1 and LFO-2) were prepared using the KIT-6 and SiO2 nanospheres as template, respectively. LFO-1 showed better catalytic activity with T50%and T90%of 155 and 180 °C for CO oxidation, and of 200 and 253 °C for toluene oxidation at 20000 mL/(g·h). The excellent catalytic performance was associated with its larger surface area (138 m2/g), higher adsorbed oxygen concentration, and better low-temperature reducibility as well as a wormhole-like mesoporous structure.


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