



A simple and efficient photosensitized catalytic oxidation approach for α-pinene with molecular oxygen in a temperature-eontrolled reactor with sparged dioxygen as oxidant and an immersed high-pressure sodium lamp as a green irradiation light source was developed.The effects of various catalysts and reaction parameters on reaction performance were studied.The results indicated that 98%conversion with 84% total selectivity for verbenone and verbenol was obtained when N,N'-dimethylformamide (DMF) was used as a solvent.The product distributions were remarkably affected by the reaction media and DMF was found to especially modulate the regioselectivity of the products.Moreover,a possible photosensitized catalytic oxidation reaction mechanism in DMF is proposed and a clear acid-base synergetic catalysis effect was evident.The relationship between chemical reactivity and selectivity was modeled using density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d) level from optimized molecular configurations.


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