


研究掺杂了0.1%Fe、0.2%Fe 和0.5%Fe(摩尔分数)的电弧熔炼 NiAl?28Cr?6Mo 共晶合金在室温和高温条件的显微组织和力学性能。合金的均匀化热处理在 Ar 气气氛中于1300°C 条件下进行。采用金相分析技术、硬度测试、X 射线衍射分析技术及压缩试验对合金样品进行表征。结果表明,铸态和均匀态合金均呈较细的晶内共晶结构和较粗的晶间共晶结构。Fe 含量的增加导致共晶层粗化及共晶数量减少。在室温条件下所有实验合金均具有很高的压缩应力和应变。Fe 的添加对室温条件下合金的强度和延展性的影响较小;然而,Fe 的添加使合金的高温强度增加。高温条件下,X 射线衍射峰向低 Bragg 角方向移动,这表明 Fe 的添加使合金的晶格常数增大。

Room temperature and high temperature microstructural and mechanical properties of arc melted NiAl?28Cr?6Mo eutectic alloys doped with 0.1% Fe, 0.2% Fe and 0.5% Fe (mole fraction) were investigated. The homogenization heat treatment of the alloys was conducted at 1300 °C in Ar atmosphere. Microscopic analyses, hardness measurements, XRD measurements and compression tests were used to characterize the alloys. As-cast and homogenized alloys exhibit fine cellular eutectic structures with coarse intercellular eutectic structure. The increase in the content of Fe results in coarsening eutectic layers and the decrease in eutectic cells. All alloys have very high compressive stress and strain at room temperature. The addition of Fe has small negative impact on the strength and ductility of the alloys at room temperature. However, the addition of Fe increases the high temperature strength of the alloy. High temperature XRD patterns show that peaks shift to lower Bragg angles. This indicates that the lattice parameter of the alloys increases.


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