


A Ca9Yb(VO4)7 crystal with dimensions ofΦ23 mm×35 mm was grown successfully by Czochralski method. Its thermal conductivity was 1.06 W/(m?K) at room temperature. The absorption cross-sections at 980 nm were 1.80×10–20 cm2 and 1.28×10–20 cm2 forπ- andσ- polarizations, respectively, with a full-width at half-maximum of 34 nm. The crystal had a broad emission at around 1025 nm with a full-width at half-maximum of 67 nm forπ- polarization and 70 nm forσ- polarization. The emission cross-sections of the crystal were calculated by using reciprocity method and Füchtbauer-Ladenburg formula. The emission cross-sections at 1025 nm were 3.57×10–20cm–2 and 1.91×10–20 cm–2 forπ- andσ- polarization, respectively. The fluorescence lifetime was 332μs. The re-sults indicated that the crystal is a promising femtosecond and tunable laser material.


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