


TiO(2) photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) of As(III) in the normal air-saturated aqueous solutions has been widely studied. Yet no consensus has been achieved on the mechanism whether superoxide is the main oxidant, although many approaches have been taken. (Photo)electrochemical method can minimize changes to TiO(2) surface and could therefore not alter the normal mechanism. In this Article, both this approach and As(III) oxidation kinetic measurements were performed to clarify the disputed mechanism. Under a sufficient cathodic bias potential, the dark oxidation of As(III) by superoxide could occur, but both the reaction rate and the columbic efficiency were rather low, suggesting that it is a weak oxidant. However, under UV light, both the reaction rate and the columbic efficiency were greatly enhanced even at potentials negative enough to eliminate photohole participation, indicating that more efficient oxidants than superoxide were produced. Under UV illumination and enough positive potential where superoxide was absent, the As(III) oxidation was the most highly efficient. The columbic efficiency of photoholes was much higher than that of superoxide. In the normal aerated aqueous solutions and at open circuit, although the total contribution of superoxide and its derivates to the PCO of As(III) was considerably high (up to 43%), it was not more than that of photohole (57%). In addition, the reported various approaches taken to elucidate the mechanism were discussed, and the resulting disputes can be clarified by these findings. It was demonstrated that (photo)electrochemical method could provide direct and undisputed evidence to reveal the truth mechanics issues.


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